Preparing for Causality 2.0
Hey, big news today, but first and foremost: I'm experimenting with a new style of update! The overall update is quite concise, but if you're especially interested in a specific topic, you can unfold the "Tell me more" box below it to get a more elaborate discussion about it. Let's begin!
The next Causality AVN
I originally wanted to announce a Causality mod for COBD (City of Broken Dreamers by PhillyGames) today, but the dev didn't respond to my requests for permission and I didn't want to keep y'all waiting for another week. So sadly, this reveal is a bit less grand than I was hoping. But that won't stop me, I'll start developing generic parts of the mod right now and post another update when I ultimately choose the AVN I'll mod!
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The dev of COBD is taking a break right now, so it's very possible that he'll respond to me soon. Though I'll keep looking for other titles, just in case. Actually deciding on another title can take a long time, so that next announcement may come in 1-2 months. ...Or in a few hours if I get a response right after I post this update, which would be quite annoying tbh.
I could've also opted to just upgrade the OIALT mod to 2.0 as my next project, but after I hyped up this update that would be kinda lame.
There's also an itch page for COBD where you can download the first 4 chapters, though it's way out of date. The game has been completed months ago.
Feedback wanted
If you have any feedback about Causality for OIALT, the next weeks would be the perfect time to bring it up, since I'm about to rework the whole concept. Positive or negative, big or small, I want your opinion! This also applies to the new features I'm about to show you, if you have comments about those.
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I don't receive a lot of feedback, but when I do I often get a different perspective on my work, which helps me improve! If you're not sure what to comment on, here's some design decisions from OIALT that I'm insecure about:
- Disabling Causality warnings during the game show and the finale
- Not providing any guidance for puzzles and mini games
- Sometimes delaying the Causality warning for a little bit to sync it up with the gain or loss of affection points
What's in store for 2.0
All Causality mods I make from now on will be second generation Causality mods, which are going to have the features listed below (unless challenged). Causality for OIALT will get the upgrade as well, but I'm not yet sure when.
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Since I want my Causality mods standardized (see below), it is more or less necessary to revisit the OIALT one as well. Ideally, both the next release and the OIALT update will come out at the same time, but there's no way that I can guarantee to finish both in time.
The leading vision for Causality mods has been and will be that they soothe fomo while incurring as little immersion break as possible. I will keep a close watch to ensure that none of the new features go against that vision.
I'm really excited to get back into creating Causality mods! Though the project has gotten quite ambitious now, I hope that I've not bitten off more than I can chew.
1. Simplified warnings
You might have never encountered it, but in the original Causality I had the tendency to overexplain things in a few places. It can be difficult to explain why exactly choice A leads to consequence B; going forward I would rather focus on the what instead of the why.
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Most notably, this means that "Affection too low" warnings will be replaced by either "Losing path" or "Optional lewd lost" warnings. Related to that were "positive warnings", which essentilly retracted a negative warning from before, those will be removed as well. The only reason the "positive warnings" existed was due to the limitations of calculating everything by hand, which made it necessary to overcompensate. Though soon an algorithm will take care of that, so no need to keep them around.
In general, explaining why a Causality warning popped up can be complicated and since I'm supposed to keep that complexity away from you, I instead ask you to trust me. Rest assured that I'm taking lots of measures to ensure that my mod's warnings (or lack thereof) are reliable.
But sometimes the consequences themselves can be complex too, even when not trying to explain why they will happen. The simplest example: "There's a way to stay on Judie's path and there's a way to stay on Lauren's path, but you can't have both anymore". To simplify a scenario like this, I will use regular warnings, but with asterisks* on them. When you see an asterisk, that means "there's more to this, it's complicated, don't worry about it, just act as if this is true, ok?". So in the example from before you would see a "Losing path: Judie*" and a "Losing path: Lauren*" warning, both with an asterisk.
2. More customizability
OIALT had a strict path system; once you've lost someone's path there wasn't any point in showing any more warnings for them. COBD offers more flexibility, so I will add an option to ignore or even avoid some of the girls. And while I'm at it, you can also customize which flavors you'd like to prefer or avoid and which ending you're aiming for. Though the default settings should be good for most people.
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Ideally, you should also be able to click on a warning that popped up and say "I don't care about this girl/flavor". Sexual flavors mostly pertain to anal sex, group sex, and in COBD's case, a little bit of futa.
Something that I'm worried about is that when let's say someone changes their settings to avoid futa, what they might not realize is that the game will remain unchanged, apart from Causality warnings that steer them away from that flavor. Avoiding futa does not purge that flavor from the game, you might still get offers for it. Changing the game itself isn't really in my scope and games usually handle controversial flavors quite well, so I hope an in-mod heads up will suffice to set everyone's expectations straight.
As for endings, I think I handled it pretty well for OIALT: There were two good endings and you got a warning when you were about to lose the best one or both of them. This option will remain the default, but if you want to achieve a specific ending, there will be an additional option for that.
3. Causality overview screen
Causality automatically disregards paths and lewds that are already lost in order to not annoy you. But what often happens is that people discover my mods after they ran into trouble in their current playthrough. When you introduce my mod into an ongoing playthrough you might get disappointed, since it doesn't consider things you've already lost at that point.
Hence I'd like to introduce an overview screen where you can check your remaining options for girls and endings. If you don't like what you see, you can load an older save and check again. Apart from that you should never have to look at that screen while you play, since you'd always receive a warning if something on it were about to change.
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You can imagine this similar to OIALT's character overview screen, but with all the information Causality is able to obtain. So if you're about to lose a path or a lewd, it will show up on this screen. Same for sexual flavors! And if you changed the settings to avoid/ignore something, the screen will account for that as well.
4. In-game help
There will be more in-game help about how to use the mod, in addition to the small tutorial at the beginning. And, when clicking on a warning, there will be a popup with a more detailed description of the warning. So apart from the mod installation, you'll no longer need a mod manual, you can just look up everything in-game.
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Welcome to 2025, where you no longer have to look up an obscure warning in a txt document. A feature like this is always nice to have, but it's also additional work for the developer (me). Though with some of the new features I'd say it's almost required to have it now. With it I can use pictures to explain things, that'll come in handy.
5. Walkthrough mode
This kind of goes against what the mod is usually for, so It'll be disabled by default and somewhat hidden in the settings. The idea: You've played the game already and now want to see other endings for example. You might not want to play Causality's game of guessing the correct choice anymore, you just want to get through it quickly. So with this you can turn Causality into a walkthrough mod that simply highlights the choices you should pick.
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This would also help those who struggle with a puzzle or minigame, but it's mainly for players who already know the game quite well. Walkthrough mode will of course respect your settings and hence can guide you towards certain endings or lewd interactions, same as regular Causality would.
What I'd ultimately like to avoid is people going back to manually playing by a walkthrough after they've already seen a lot of the game and now want to achieve something specific. Causality 2.0 will be a powerful guidance mod and I understand that at some point you might want it to guide you more actively.
6. Standardization
My mods should always blend into the game they are modifying, I don't want to change that. But I also want to establish some recognizability and standardization, so that once you've used one of my Causality mods, you know how to use all of them.
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I want to create some recognizable design elements that can be adapted to the vastly different UIs that different AVNs can have. An analogy I like to use is visiting a McDonalds in a foreign country: It's a bit of familiarity in an unfamiliar place. All this also applies to how the mod pages will be designed; I want something uniform that also highlights what makes this game special compared to the others.
7. Partial automation
This won't affect you as much, but I'm writing a program that will help me do the necessary calculations for my Causality mods. In the original mod I calculated everything by hand, but since I want to keep making Causality mods, automating part of the process makes sense. For you this means that the next 1-2 Causality mods will take longer to complete but subsequent ones can be created much faster.
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I wanted to have a program/algorithm like this from the very start, but getting that project started would've been a bigger effort than just doing everything by hand. Automation is always an investment. But with all the new features and me planning to keep doing Causality mods, it's wise to do now.
And I want to emphasize that I'm not talking about generative AI here. AI is impressive at creative stuff, but this task requires maths and logic and AI is not (yet) reliable enough for that. I'll make UI elements by hand too, so no need to worry about this turning into "AI slop".
Closing thoughts
So, looks like there's a lot to do for me now. Remember, I've mainly written this preview to maybe get some thoughts from you about it, so feel free to comment! Apart from that you will hear from me as soon as I can say which next AVN I'm going to mod. Until then!
Get Causality for Once in a Lifetime
Causality for Once in a Lifetime
Smart & unintrusive guidance mod
More posts
- "Now & Then" will be the next Causality AVN19 days ago
- [1.1.2] - "The best foot forward"Dec 16, 2023
- [1.1.1] - "Coexistence"Nov 27, 2023
- [1.1] - "Where I draw the line"Nov 04, 2023
- [1.0.2] - "Lookin' Good"Aug 19, 2023
- [1.0.1] - "Cause and Effect"Aug 19, 2023
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I don't have anything to add other than your mods are great and I always appreciate your work.
Aw, thank you!
Would love a COBD mod from you.
My useless feedback is that I am perfectly happy with current state of this mod.
It may not be detailed but it's useful regardless, thanks!
Great!Finally a sequel!!!(≧w≦)